Your Honor, Mr. Danforth, As seemingly the only sane and stable thoroughgoing(a) resident of capital of Oregon, Massach consumptiontts, I feel that it is nobodys avocation but mine own, John Proctor, to reveal the very devils that yap these peck you seek to protect. As a soldiery of god, I must make known to you the rightfulness, considering, of course, with all due(p) respect, sir, that you are, in fact a otherr to these walls. It is a strange amour going on now, where lies are told because the truth leave not suffice. Despite what credit I may stir attached to my wifes pretense beforehand, I faecal matter perish you my oath, sworn in blood if need be, that Abigail Williams, time-worn 17, in this township of Salem, and myself, John Proctor, aged 38, in this town of Salem have laid together and known each other. If I may question you, sir, can you thin k of a credible reason that a person would tarnish and steel their elysian and pure name if not a exercise of truth were its foundation? Additionally sir, I ask you to match and into why Abigail Williams will stand firm like I. The autocratic truth of it is that behind every lying kept woman is a scared, shattered little young woman.

Abigail is a tormented soul, sir, and torturing makes people under pressure do strange things. The whore encountered things that God never had planned for his faithful. She is now, because of those horrifying events, a opposes throw from crazy. I do not swan in adding we ight to words, and I do not use such weight! y words lightly. I mean, so assistance me God, the girl is mad. It is not in her power to control her urges, and the snatch is a compulsive liar. Therefore, a compulsive threat to anyone and everyone that stands in her way. She is strong, and she is manipulative. If anyone in this innocent town has signed with the devil, it is that Damned girl. This is my position, lacerate amid my pride and the truth, as I know is yours. I intrust that in light of everything, I have chosen wisely....If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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